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Friday, June 3, 2011

This is the experience of Veressence!

Attending a recent healing retreat in New Jersey allowed me to reflect on the concept of being Veressent. The idea that we express ourselves and live "true to our natural state of being," continues to get me excited as I think of the many possibilities and ways for people to experience a richer, greater and more exceptional life. What is it to live in our core nature? Do I still ascribe to what we created at Veressent Life? As I experienced the weekend, a few key things occurred which I understand to be living more in my natural state. The first thing that began, is the level of noise and clutter in my mind began to dwindle. The space between my thoughts began to widen. I almost seemed to become more selective to which thoughts I wanted to think about and contemplate. I also began to engage in much fuller breath, my posture became steadier and much more flexible, and I began to experience a broader range of emotions. As the weekend continued, I found the questions I was asking myself became less about me, and more about contribution to others and engaging in community. As my bodymind gained range and flexibility, I flat out became more in tune with my surroundings, not reacting, but just pleasantly experiencing being a part of what was going on. Judgements ceased, and acceptance grew. Is this the way life is meant to be experienced? I believe it is. 
The standards we have set for experiencing a Veressent Life I believe to be the gold standard for the human experience. This is a Veressent Life. 

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