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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nutrition is easy..or is it?

For those out there that feel lost when it comes to a nutrition plan, allow me to make this drastically simple for you. In fact..way too simple. We have been inundated with a massive amount of shakes, diet plans, wonder foods, miracle blah blah etc. and the bottom line is, we are still a sick society. So their must be more information and research needed to know exactly what to do right? What foods will prevent what diseases right? What supplements will combat various illnesses right? Wrong. All of that information just continues the cycle of creating more confusion.
If you want to master your nutrition for optimal health, there are a few essential mindsets that need to be adopted to drop the stress and fear that you don't know enough yet.
1) You are eating to nourish the cells of your body, not to loose weight, gain muscle, prevent cancer etc...
2) The foods you will eat, will either create and build health as a process, or build sickness and disease as a process (the actual disease can be named anything), neither of which are one time events!
3) Mother nature, in her purest form, has given us nearly all of the essentials to build health
4) Man has created substitutes for mother nature (processed foods), and in most cases, creates an internal bodymind environment that does not support health. (If it is from a box, it doen't matter if it says "gluten free!" It is still from a frickin' box!!)
5) The degree in which you choose pure "mother nature" options, is to the degree your bodymind expresses vitality and health. To the degree you choose "man's foods," is to the degree your bodymind expresses sluggishness, sickness and disease.
Remember, there are more variables to health and well-being than food, but it is definately a substantial "issue" in today's modern world.
If these mindsets can be adopted around nutrition, you will choose "right" well over 85% of the time...EASY!
Our obsession with perfection creates analysis of paralysis. Stop it, and get real and use your logic.
More on nutrition in my next blog.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Power of Presence

Over the last few years it has become so clear, that the quality of your life, relationships, happiness, and well-being is massively dependent on your ability to be PRESENT. Emotions like guilts and angers will keep you in the past. Fear will keep you in the future. Gratitude and love are emotions of the PRESENT MOMENT. What would it feel like to go through a day being fully present? Listening and hearing every word someone says to you, without thinking of your reply half way through their conversation : )...Am I the only one to do this from time to time??  Or being able to enjoy the people you are with instead of focusing on what tasks have yet to be accomplished in the future. Being fully immersed in the experience of whatever it is you are experiencing, with the gratitude and love of feeling, thinking and being with every moment of it. Not desiring to be anywhere else. Knowing that this particular moment is meant for you to experience and nothing else matters but fully experiencing that moment. Cultivating the power of presence is a lifelong practice and discipline that requires minute by minute, second by second awareness. This week, bring into focus your ability to stay present with each and every moment.