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Friday, August 26, 2011

Easiest formula to get what you want...

The question of: How do I get from where I am to where I want to be? The easiest answer I have been taught through coaching is this:

Look in the direction of where you want to be
Speak in the direction of where you want to be
Act in the direction of where you want to be
And ONLY look back over your shoulder to see how far you've come.

This required that you are clear about where you want to go and the belief (if you have trouble with belief than check out trust that you are already there. It is a matter of creating the habits of success that will allow you to achieve what you are looking for.
Can you identify with crystal clarity what you really want? I think that is the only place to start. Good luck!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rehearse your life

On my last blog we talked about what the three essentials were to creating your reality and the art of intention setting. The first was being crystal clear about your desires. The second was to have an actual belief that it can happen. The third was trust that all universe will align the right people, places and things to make it happen. But now...we still require something more.
The next is rehearsal. Athletes, artists and performers all understand and utilize rehearsal. We can appreciate that before we watch a play, that many hours have gone into rehearsing the movements, actions, language and lines before the play is public ready and has been mastered. So too can you do this with your life. Begin to act out what you want to take place. Let's say for example you want more confidence. You are clear about it, believe it, and trust that you can do it. Now what. Now it's time to stand tall, breath high into the chest, stiffen your body slightly and walk firm and direct. Now you have created the physiology and posture of confidence. Now your mind thinks you are confident. Train yourself enough times and then you become confident! Think of your life as a play. You are not only the director and producer, but you are also the performer. If your dream or goals were to be put in a play, how would actors need to practice for your play? This is exactly what you need to be practicing daily if you want your dreams to turn into a reality! Act as if you are rehearsing a play, and watch how you begin to look, behave and talk different to meet the needs of your desired outcome.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The 3 rules of Intending

Before I share a quick story about intentions and intending, I wanted to give you 3 rules that must be in place in order for the intentions to come to fruition. Three rules that I have found are consistent with creating your reality, and creating the life/situation/experiences that you desire are...  #1- Complete Clarity. What you desire must be fully clear in your mind and in your heart. #2- Belief- You must believe that what you are intending is going to happen. It is not a wish, a hope or a desire. It is a knowing and belief that the outcome is going to happen. No "ifs" "ands" or "buts" about it. #3- Trust- You must trust that once you truly believe and are crystal clear about your intention, that the universe will align for you the people, actions, plans and experiences for this to come to fruition. Intention does not come without action. Intention sets the wheels into motion. Six years ago as I was looking over my finances, I had figured what the amount was that we wanted for "retirement." (don't quite buy into that but hey..) So we figured I would need X amount by the time I was 33 in the long term savings. So I crunched the numbers and said, ok, I need X amount in the bank by the time I am 33. I was totally clear about the objective, I completely believed it was doable, and I just felt a knowing that it would happen and there was really no reason it shouldn't happen. It was 6 years away so I didn't get caught up in any emotion that it was not possible. Fast forward 6 years to three days after my 33rd birthday. I rarely check my bank statement (wife's job : )), but I just happened to see our statement of investments on our dining room table. I looked at it, and when I added up the total of our 3 combined accounts,  it was within $200 of the exact amount I had intended on having from 6 years ago...I was amazed that I didn't dwell on it, I really never focused on it, but it happened almost to the exact amount...And That is how intention works.