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Saturday, May 7, 2011

First Program for Veressent Life!

Thanks to everyone on Thursday evening who came out to our first Illumination Program. We had a fantastic time with a blend of hands on work through Somatorespiratory Integration (SRI), theory, music, meditation, contemplation and art. For those that did not attend, we will be running future programs and for those who did, be thinking of taking this again, to refine your skills. Discovering your core nature using essentials is the foundation of Veressent Life, and the level 1 program is where it all begins.
Since we are on the topic of discovering, allow me to give you a few quick tips regarding how we can implement some of the essential awareness tools throughout our regular life. We do not need a specific program to teach us the art of being mindful and aware. Just look around you. Day to day activities gives us ample opportunity to be able to assess our state of our bodymind and emotional states. We talked in the program of living in the past,  "present", and future. We have great challenges staying present. We are often driven by emotions of the past (guilt/anger) or driven by emotions of the future (fear). Being "present" allows for us in the way of peace, connection, wisdom, calm, love, etc. Practicing the art of staying present is the best meditation you could ever practice. You could try to sit for an hour, and force yourself to flow in and out of past, present and future, or you could practice it all day, everyday. We often think we need hours in our day, which is overwhelming (like exercise), to meditate and achieve peace. But if we just realize that if we practice the art of being present, we are meditating and it is at our disposal at every moment. Think of a simple act like eating with family. Are you truly enjoying the moment with family, or are you thinking about what you need to do after supper, or about the crappy day you had. Being present means your thoughts are focused in exactly what you are doing in that moment. Think of all the other ways throughout the day to embrace the moment, and have some fun with it. This is a great way to discover where you are at bodymind and emotion.

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