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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Count our blessings...

Wow! What a Christmas season. Did it blast by as fast for you? How many of us had a little trouble staying present with all of the distractions going on? I must say, there was a point during Christmas morning, in the midst of the pandemonium, that I felt a deep rush of sadness. I felt like here we were, plowing through a million and one presents and gifts, and there were families that had difficulty putting food on the table. How easy it is to forget. How easy it is to take for granted our blessed and fortunate life. Isn't it our job, as more fortunate people, to take care of those less fortunate than us? I asked myself if I gave my best effort this season. I also thought of other ways throughout the new year that I may give more frequently to those less fortunate, without just being reminded at holiday seasons like thanksgiving and Christmas. How did you do in contributing to others? How will you step up to the plate and help those less fortunate this upcoming year?
"The most difficult arithmetic, is that which allows us to count our blessings".....
Remember, January 11th at 7:00pm-9:00pm, FREE "Rules of Transformation" seminar at the Davinci Centre, 10 spots left..available only to practice members and their families or friends. See you there!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Redirect the ship! Or not...

There is nothing more important than health. We repeat this mantra over and over especially when someone gets sick don't we? How has the year been for you? Have you dedicated yourself to your well-being? Slipped off line? Redirected ship and back on course, or lost your way completely? The great thing about being human, is that we have choices. We, at any moment in time, can create better health. At any moment. After reading this blog you can go for a 10 minute walk and increase your health..or you can go stare at the T.V...or both. You can have a healthy snack this evening and get more vital nutrients, or, you can have a high sugar dessert. The most incredible thing, is that we can choose. We always can choose that which we want to experience more of, including our most prized and valued treasure, our health.
A well-delivered spinal adjustment or what we call entrainment, is one of the most effortless ways of increasing health. All you have to do is lay on a table, and your health is going to improve. Spinal health and motion is linked into the brain, to stimulate brain energy, and centres of ease and well-being. It really is that simple. But sometimes, just like nutrition and exercise, simple just seems too easy. We say we want simplicity, but I see us making health and life too darn tough. Too complex. It really isn't that tricky. Give yourself a break in 2012 and focus on making health and well-being simple. Simple and Essential.