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Monday, October 20, 2014

Passion and Purpose 101

In network care, a phase of tension we work with is a particular pattern of spinal tension involving the second vertebrae in the neck and the pelvis hooked together (they sort of bend sideways with each other). Look in your mirror...head bending sideways, shoulder low, pelvis up. Anyways, the consciousness with this pattern is associated with living your life that is NOT on your terms (what we call passionless plus purposeless (frowny face : (). When we are choosing a life that was designed by others (mother/father/grandparent/culture etc.) for instance, you should be an artist, you'd be good as an athlete, a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, and when this life is not authentic to your true nature and highest values, we lock our bodies up this way so we don't have to feel our "un-authenticity" and the sadness/anger/frustration associated with making choices based on others values, and not ours.

Let me simplify. When you are choosing a life, that was influenced and designed by other people's values, and not yours, you are forced to lock your body so you don't have to feel your own incongruence. Does that make any more sense?

Simplified again. Live your own life, choose a life of your highest values, and you will be most free. There that seems to be simple.

Although....most people don't pay close enough attention because I see this pattern very...very...very often. They stay with a job because it has pension, security, good hours, nice people, good pay etc. Except, no passion. Except, no purpose. And so they settle, settling in for a life of "okayness" and "good enoughness", all while living okayness till the death. Living without passion and purpose is death while living.

There are few things more exciting than watching a fellow human being on fire, lit up on life, excited to be alive, and following their dreams. We often sense this awe and wonder and excitement for others following their highest purpose and passion, and talk about them over coffee, and pack up our lunch and head back to our so-so positions we are think we have chosen to be in.

Am I saying this is wrong? Not quite, except for the fact that most of us spend over one third of our lifetime at work (approximately 30 full years of our 90 year life, the other 30 sleeping, and the other third doing other things.)

So here is my challenge. Start living with intentional passion and purpose outside of work as much as you can and light up your life that way. Make sure it's REALLY lighting up. Second, re-evaluate your position or job and make sure it is lighting you up, or if it is not, at least find a way to see how it is meeting your highest values and needs so you can have more gratitude for your current situation. With this approach, you are not on autopilot, just "showing up" for a paycheck. (maybe it puts food on your table or helps your child's education, or allows you spending money for your trips you love to take) Once you have full gratitude and love for how it is serving you in your life, then you have a clearer head and a more open heart to choose to stay or choose to follow another path, passion and purpose. You are making choices on your terms with full gratitude and love, and not making choices based on others' values and ideas of what your life should look like. This way you are fully engaged and fully present with an open heart and mind moving forward.

Exceptionally yours,

Dr. Steve