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Monday, May 14, 2012

Questions = Actions = Outcomes

The quality of your life is dependant upon the quality of questions you ask. The questions you ask will immediately shift your physiology, posture, brain messengers, stress hormones, and emotions. Generally, if you are stuck in a life situation or circumstance, part of the challenge is the quality of the questions you are asking. To shift any situation to a different outcome, you must shift your questions.
When you have a health challenge, you have been culturally trained to ask, "what's wrong with me?",  "How can I fix this?", "How can I get rid of this?"...Those questions are three questions that will keep your body and brain in stress mode. In fact, say those outloud and see how they feel when you ask them. Yuck!
Now what if you asked, "How can I make the breakthrough?", "How can I never disempower myself again?",...can you feel your energy and posture lifting? : ).........What about, "What is really happening here?", or "What must I do NOW!?". Can you feel the difference!
The difference between those questions, is the first 3 forces you to rely on doctors to determine what is going on. The second batch of questions allows you to do more introspection to shift you and your life behaviours without any outside influence. If we would just focus on what we wanted and the action steps to get there, instead of spinning our wheels looking for outside answers, we would not only save months and years of unnecessary suffering, but we would feel and act in empowering ways.
What if you decided to NEVER ask those first 3 questions again....I did, and so can you.
You will feel so much more empowered and you will take action like never before! And watch your exceptional outcomes when you ask questions that force you to be resourceful, instead of relying on someone else to give you the answers. You will feel great.

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