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Friday, August 19, 2011

Rehearse your life

On my last blog we talked about what the three essentials were to creating your reality and the art of intention setting. The first was being crystal clear about your desires. The second was to have an actual belief that it can happen. The third was trust that all universe will align the right people, places and things to make it happen. But now...we still require something more.
The next is rehearsal. Athletes, artists and performers all understand and utilize rehearsal. We can appreciate that before we watch a play, that many hours have gone into rehearsing the movements, actions, language and lines before the play is public ready and has been mastered. So too can you do this with your life. Begin to act out what you want to take place. Let's say for example you want more confidence. You are clear about it, believe it, and trust that you can do it. Now what. Now it's time to stand tall, breath high into the chest, stiffen your body slightly and walk firm and direct. Now you have created the physiology and posture of confidence. Now your mind thinks you are confident. Train yourself enough times and then you become confident! Think of your life as a play. You are not only the director and producer, but you are also the performer. If your dream or goals were to be put in a play, how would actors need to practice for your play? This is exactly what you need to be practicing daily if you want your dreams to turn into a reality! Act as if you are rehearsing a play, and watch how you begin to look, behave and talk different to meet the needs of your desired outcome.

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