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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So now what?

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again."  Alex Tan

I have to share with you, that I have a very keen interest in where are heading for the new year. What is your focus? What is your theme? What are you working on? What are your interests? So often the entrainment is such a powerful process, that we don't necessarily take the time to discuss what some of your other needs or concerns are. We often stick to health or your inner well-being and the transformation of that, but I am also gaining curiosity into your other goals, dreams, and ambitions to see how Veressent Life can hold a space to have you achieve what you are looking for.

Instead of your ego picking the goals or dreams, let me ask you a different question. What have your rhythms been telling you? What has the energy around you been telling you that you need to refine or transform? Any areas of life that keep showing up that beckon your attention? What have you been meeting against, that needs further inquiry or strategies to make change? So often we pick things or goals that we think we want, yet life is leading us, right under our noses, to pay attention to something else.

So let's bypass the "lose 10-20 lbs, or start a regular fitness program or start eating better" resolution, and look deeper. We are Veressent Lifer's and we look deeper into our core nature and what life is trying to tell us. Look deeper into what is life presenting to you right now, that you need to dive in to.
What is it? What has your soul been calling you to wake up to? What clues is life leaving you that you must face now, with courage? Stop kidding yourself with the superficial goals that you think will make you happy, and extend yourself into what you KNOW needs to be looked after.

Please email me back over the next couple of days and share with me, what your life is showing you, that you need to be paying attention to. I can hardly wait!!

Thank you for an amazing year, so much gratitude and love to you all,

In deep well-being,

Dr. Steve

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