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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Don't pick your scabs!

A simple scab on my daughters face allowed me to reflect on what true healing is all about.

We've all done it. Ripped that frickin' scab off early because we just want it gone. And what happens every time we take a scab off before the time is right...more pain, more sensitivity, often more bloodshed and longer healing time.
Then we have to wait for the body to re-scab because of our impatience and judgements that we don't want it to be there. Maybe its ugly, maybe its itchy, maybe its annoying. But we just want it gone.

But under this scab, tremendous healing is taking place. Cellular repair, cleanup, immune responses, and new cell formation is taking place every second. It seems like the scab is so static, but yet, underneath, is an entire world of healing. And the key; when the healing is done, the scab falls off. As humans we might call this, "letting go." You can't force the healing, it just happens. You can't force the change, it just happens. You can't force the letting go, it just happens. If you force the scab off early, more pain and longer healing. The same goes for everything else.

There is a magnificent timing to all that is going on in our life.

Where are the scabs in your life that you are trying to rip off, or get rid of? Where are you trying to force things to happen instead of letting it flow? (Been there, done that..a million times : ))Where, in fact, do you require more patience, time and healing? Think of the new cells, immune system and clean up crew with the scab, as new people, circumstances, or places that you need to come across and experience in order for the scab of life to change or fall away. There is a timing and rhythm to life and healing, and the people you meet and the places you go each day can all be part of the process of healing the scabs of life. You won't be able to see the healing happening all the time. Sometimes, it's just below your awareness. But know, that under your scabs of life, lies an organizing field of intelligence that is working for you, not against you. Patience, time and healing. Pay close attention to who you meet, names that are mentioned, people you talk to. They may just be an integral part of your healing process.

As I have paid attention, people on average hear about me well over a year before they ever come to seek out my services. Then, when they do, they say, "wow this was easy, I wish I would have listened and come when I first heard about you." And I reply, "the timing was perfect. You weren't supposed to be here earlier."(usually they had to pull off their scabs a few more times before taking action)

Ultimately, the key to healing is to be with your experiences and place yourself in an environment that supports your healing. When you do that, you give yourself the best opportunity for most natural healing. Make the time. Maybe its with family or certain friends, here at Veressent Life, in a yoga studio, sitting with a great cup of tea...Find your place and space to explore healing, patience, rhythms and your transformation! Your entire being will be happy you chose to nurture yourself and your healing.

If your tired  of picking your scab over and over, and want some assistance in your healing, give me a call and we will see if we are good fit. 1-807-628-0718

Exceptionally yours,

Dr. Steve

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